Shared Experience: British Prisoners of War, Italy
The interior of this prisoner-of-war hut is filled with wooden framed bunk beds. Bullard was captured and held as a prisoner of war in Italy. His composition captures a strategy of stubborn coping and restless waiting in a constrained life. The apparently endless machine-like structure of the bunk beds is broken and subverted with draped laundry and flailing arms; the steep perspective offering a vanishing point, an illusion of escape.
- British Prisoners of War, Italy
Paul Bullard - Blind man in Belsen
Alan Moore - Roberts Hospital, Changi
Murray Griffin - Bodies in a Grave, Belsen
Alex Colville - Human Laundry, Belsen: April 1945
Doris Zinkeisen - Refugees in Udine, 1945
Edward Bawden - British Women and Children Interned in a Japanese Prison Camp, Syme Road, Singapore
Leslie Cole - Yes Sir
Ludwig Hirschfeld Mack