Shared Experience: Battle of Britain
Art and War
Nash wrote to the British War Artists Advisory Council:
The painting is an attempt to give the sense of an aerial battle in operation over a wide area and thus summarises England’s great aerial victory over Germany. The scene includes certain elements constant during the Battle of Britain – the river winding from the town and across parched country, down to the sea; beyond, the shores of the Continent; above, the mounting cumulus concentrating at sunset after a hot brilliant day; across the spaces of sky, trails of airplanes, smoke tracks of dead or damaged machines falling, floating clouds, parachutes, balloons. Against the approaching twilight new formations of Luftwaffe, threatening.
Battle of Britain
Paul Nash
A Rescue-ship in the Atlantic: March 1943
George Plante
HMS Ark Royal in Action
Eric Ravilious
A Parachute Bomb
Matvyn Wright
Before Zero Hour
Alex Colville
Lyndon Dadswell
H.M.A.S. Perth fights to the last, 28th February, 1942
Murray Griffin
Night Target, Germany
Miller Brittain
Night Air Raid
Charles Comfort
Light Coastal Forces Blow Up An Enemy Merchantman
Richard Eurich
Wreckage On Beach Near Newhaven, England
Michael Forster
A Crater in the Naval Dockyard, Hong Kong
Leonard Rosoman
Submarine Pens At Brest
Michael Forster
Desolate plantations, Balikpapan
Donald Friend
Shattered Landscape, Cleve
Alex Colville
Central Square, Tobruk
Ivor Hele
Wrecked ME 210
Charles Comfort
Home Again
Miller Brittain
Troops in back of truck, Libya
Ivor Hele
Hitler Line
Charles Comfort