In our collection you will encounter military terminology and acronyms. Here you can find out what they mean.
Iraq clasp to Australian Service Medal (ASM)
Islands West of Papua New Guinea, including Dutch New Guinea (RAAF)
Intelligence Officer (RAF)
Intelligence and Reconnaissance. At District and Province Level I & R Squads (District) and Pls (Province) were found. They were Regional Forces (RF) troops and were tasked for special missions by the District/Province Chiefs.
Issue and receipt
1st Corps Tactical Zone (Vietnam War)
Instructor Lieutenant Commander (Naval)
Inspector of Administration (now IDAMIN)
Inspector of Mines
In charge of
Inspector General
Indian Army
Indian Artillery
Integrated Air Defence System
International Atomic Energy Agency
Inland Aircraft Fuel Depot
Indian Air Formation Signals
Indian Army Medical Corps
Indicated air speed (USA)
Indian Army Service Corps
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Internment Camp
Information Center (USA)
Instructor Captain (Naval)
Internal Combustion
International Civil Aviation Organisation
Integrated Civic Action Progamme. This is a co-ordinated intelligence/civic action combined United States/Government of [South] Vietnam (GVN) activity conducted in a contested or insecure area for the purpose of gathering intelligence and conducting civi
Intercontinental ballistic missile(s)
Imperial Camel Corps (First World War)
International Control Commission for supervision of the 1954 Geneva Agreement. Represented by Canada, India, Poland
International Conference on the Former Yugoslavia (Peacekeeping)
International Court of Justice (United Nations Organisation - UNO)
Integrated Circuit
Integrated Communications Systems
Inflammation of connective tissues (First World War)
Graduate of the Imperial Defence College
Imperial Defence College
Denotes an Officer who has completed a course at the Imperial Defence College. (Source: Australian Navy List, 1941)
Identity Card Officer
International Direct Dial (telephone services)
Corps of Indian Engineers
Initial Equipment
Indian Expeditionary Force
International Emergency Food Council
Corps of Indian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
Instrument Flying
In Flight Following
Identification Friend or Foe (RAAF)
Instrument Flight Rules
International Financial Statistics
Inshore Fire Support Ship
Inspector General (USA)
Irish Guards
Inspector General of Communications (First World War)
Instructional Croup Commander
Inspector General of Munitions
International Health Certificate
International Harvester Corporation (Vietnam)
Include This Headquarters Information Address
Iran-Iraq clasp to Australian Service Medal (ASM)
II Field Force Vietnam
International Labour Organisation
In Lieu Of
Instrument Landing System
Intermediate Maintenance Availability
Independent Mixed Brigade
Inter?Governmental Maritime Consultative Organisation
International Monetary Fund (United Nations Organisation - UNO)
International Monetary Fund
Inspector of Machine Gun Units
Imperial Military Nursing Service
Imperial Camel Brigade
Imperial Mounted Divisional Ammunition Column [First World War British Artillery Unit]
Imperial Mounted Division
Indian Medical Service (First World War)
Inshore Mine Sweeper Type 1
International Military Tribunal for the Far East
Indian National Army
Independent Armoured Workshop Stores Section (Vietnam War)
Independent Reconnaissance Flight (Vietnam War)
Infantry (First World War)
Intermediate-range nuclear forces
Information (USA)
Item No Longer Required
The Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers
Inertial Navigation System
Internal Security
Instrument Fitter
Instrument Mechanic
Intelligence, General Headquarters, Egyptian Expeditionary Force [First World War British Headquarters Unit]
Intelligence, General Headquarters, Mediterranean Expeditionary Force [First World War British Headquarters Unit]
Intelligence, Headquarters, 1st ANZAC Corps [First World War AIF Headquarters Unit]
Intelligence, Headquarters 2nd ANZAC Corps [First World War AIF Headquarters Unit]
Intelligence, Headquarters Australian & New Zealand Army Corps [First World War AIF Headquarters Unit]
Intelligence, Headquarters Australian Corps [First World War AIF Headquarters Unit]
Intelligence, Headquarters Desert Mounted Corps [First World War British Headquarters Unit]
Intelligence, Headquarters New Zealand & Australian Division [First World War AIF Headquarters Unit]
Intelligence Officer (USA)
Intelligence Summaries, General Headquarters, Egyptian Expeditionary Force [[First World War British Headquarters Unit]
Intelligence Officer
International Force in East Timor
International Force for East Timor
A technique used at small unit (platoon) level. Portable loudspeakers contact to surrender. Oral messages are delivered during lulls in fire and may be combined with leaflet drops.
Intelligence Report
Intelligence Summaries
Inventory Holder
Intelligence Officer
Inspecting Ordnance Officer. Gathers and imparts information regarding the situation.
Inspector of Explosives
Initial Points (USA)
Initial Procurement Committee
Immediate Reserves
International Relations
Infra red
Infanterie Regiment (Infantry Regiment - German, First World War)
Intermediate-range ballistic missile(s)
International Red Cross
Instrument Rating Examiner
International Refugee Organisation
Instrument Standard Atmosphere
Independent Sideband
Inter Service Information Series, Oxford
Indian Salvage and Local Disposal
Intelligence Reports, Ismailia, General Headquarters, Egyptian Expeditionary Force [First World War British Headquarters Unit]
Companion of the Imperial Service Order
Inter Service Topographical Department, Oxford
Inter Service Training and Development Centre
Instructional Technique
Infantry Training Battalion
International Trade Organisation
Initial Training School (RAAF)
International Telecommunication Union
Independent Television News (London)
Initial Training Wing (RAF)
Integrated Wideband Communications System
Imperial War Graves Commission
Inland Water Transport