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- Turkish Army (10)
- 1st Australian Division (8)
- 1st Australian Infantry Brigade (7)
- British Army (6)
- German Army (6)
- Medical, Dental and Nursing (6)
- 2nd Australian Infantry Brigade (5)
- 3rd Australian Infantry Brigade (5)
- 4th Australian Division (4)
- 8th Australian Light Horse Regiment (4)
- Australian Army Medical Corps (4)
- HMAS Sydney (4)
- No. 14 Australian General Hospital (4)
- No. 2 Australian General Hospital (4)
- 12th Australian Light Horse Regiment (3)
- 14th Australian Infantry Battalion (3)
- 1st Australian Field Ambulance (3)
- 2nd Australian Field Ambulance (3)
- 53rd Australian Infantry Battalion (3)
- 5th Australian Infantry Battalion (3)
- 6th Australian Infantry Battalion (3)
- 7th Australian Infantry Battalion (3)
- Engineers (3)
- New Zealand Forces (3)
- 13th Australian Infantry Battalion (2)
- 1st Australian Light Horse Regiment (2)
- 27th Australian Infantry Battalion (2)
- 2nd Australian Light Horse Regiment (2)
- 2nd Field Company, Australian Engineers (2)
- 3rd Field Company, Australian Engineers (2)
- 46th Australian Infantry Battalion (2)
- 4th Australian Light Horse Regiment (2)
- 6th Australian Infantry Brigade (2)
- 8th Australian Infantry Battalion (2)
- 9th Australian Light Horse Regiment (2)
- Australian Army Nursing Service (2)
- Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) (2)
- Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) (2)
- British Indian Army (2)
- Formation Headquarters (2)
- HMAS AE 2 (2)
- Imperial Camel Corps (2)
- Indian Armed Forces (2)
- No. 1 Australian General Hospital (2)
- No. 2 Australian Casualty Clearing Station (2)
- No. 3 Australian General Hospital (2)
- Royal Australian Air Force (2)
- Royal Deccan Horse (2)
- Water transport units (2)
- 10 Australian General Hospital (1)
- 10th Australian Infantry Battalion (1)
- 11th Australian Infantry Battalion (1)
- 11th Australian Light Horse Regiment (1)
- 13th Australian Field Artillery Brigade (1)
- 16 General Hospital (British) (1)
- 1st Australian Infantry Battalion (1)
- 1st Australian Machine Gun Battalion (1)
- 1st Australian Veterinary Section (1)
- 25th Australian Infantry Battalion (1)
- 26th Australian Infantry Battalion (1)
- 28th Australian Infantry Battalion (1)
- 2nd Australian Division (1)
- 2nd Australian Divisional Ammunition Column (1)
- 2nd Australian Infantry Battalion (1)
- 32nd Australian Infantry Battalion (1)
- 3rd Australian Light Horse Brigade (1)
- 3rd Australian Light Horse Regiment (1)
- 43rd Australian Infantry Battalion (1)
- 4th Australian Mobile Veterinary Section (1)
- 50th Australian Infantry Battalion (1)
- 51st Australian Infantry Battalion (1)
- 58th Australian Infantry Battalion (1)
- 5th Australian Division (1)
- 5th Field Company, Australian Engineers (1)
- 60th Australian Infantry Battalion (1)
- 65 Battalion (1)
- 7th Australian Field Artillery Battery (1)
- 8th Australian Machine Gun Company (1)
- 8th Field Company, Australian Engineers (1)
- 9th Australian Infantry Battalion (1)
- Artillery (1)
- Australian Army Veterinary Corps (1)
- Chinese Labour Corps (1)
- French Army (1)
- German submarines (1)
- Gurkha units (1)
- HIJMS Ibuki (1)
- HMAS Melbourne (1)
- Imperial Japanese Navy (1)
- Italian armed forces (1)
- Lines of communication areas (1)
- Mediterranean Expeditionary Force (1)
- New Zealand Expeditionary Force (1)
- New Zealand Mounted Rifles (1)
- No. 2 Australian Stationary Hospital (1)
- No. 3 Australian Auxiliary Hospital, Dartford (1)
- Pay (1)
- Police (1)
- Reinforcement units (1)
- Royal Army Medical Corps (1)
related places (100)
- Africa: Egypt, Cairo (16)
- Africa: Egypt, Suez Canal (15)
- Middle East: Ottoman Empire, Turkey, Dardanelles, Gallipoli (15)
- Africa: Egypt (13)
- Africa: Egypt, Alexandria (13)
- Europe: France (13)
- Africa: Egypt, North Egypt, Mena (12)
- Europe: Greece, Aegean Islands, Lemnos (12)
- Africa: Egypt, Cairo, Heliopolis (10)
- Asia: Ceylon, Colombo (10)
- Europe: United Kingdom, England, Greater London, London (10)
- Middle East: Yemen, Aden (10)
- Africa: Egypt, Suez Canal, Ismailia (9)
- Africa: Egypt, Suez Canal, Port Said (8)
- Europe: Greece, Aegean Islands, Lemnos, Mudros (8)
- Africa: Egypt, Cairo, Abbassia (7)
- Africa: Egypt, Suez Canal, Kantara (7)
- Africa: Egypt, Suez Canal, Suez (7)
- Europe: France, Nord Pas de Calais, Pas de Calais, Bethune, Fleurbaix (7)
- Europe: France, Picardie, Somme, Albert Bapaume Area, Pozieres Area, Pozieres (7)
- Oceania: Australia, Western Australia, Albany (7)
- Oceania: Australia, Western Australia, Fremantle (7)
- Africa: Egypt, North Egypt, Tel el Kebir (6)
- Middle East: Ottoman Empire, Turkey, Dardanelles, Gallipoli, Anzac Area (Gallipoli), Anzac Beaches Area, Gaba Tepe (6)
- Africa: Egypt, Helouan (5)
- Europe: Belgium, Flanders, West-Vlaanderen, Ypres (5)
- Europe: France, Provence Alpes Cote d'Azur, Bouches-du-Rhone, Marseilles (5)
- Europe: United Kingdom, England (5)
- Oceania: Australia, Victoria, Melbourne, Broadmeadows (5)
- Africa: Egypt, Frontier, Sinai, El Arish Area, El Arish (4)
- Africa: Egypt, North Egypt, Zeitoun (4)
- Middle East: Ottoman Empire, Turkey, Dardanelles, Gallipoli, Anzac Area (Gallipoli) (4)
- Middle East: Ottoman Empire, Turkey, Dardanelles, Gallipoli, Anzac Area (Gallipoli), Shrapnel Gully Area, Shrapnel Gully (4)
- Oceania: Australia, New South Wales, Sydney (4)
- Africa: Egypt, Cairo, Gezira (3)
- Africa: Egypt, North Egypt, Moascar (3)
- Africa: Egypt, Suez Canal, Serapeum (3)
- Africa: South Africa, Cape Province, Cape Town (3)
- Africa: South Africa, Natal, Durban (3)
- Europe: France, Paris (3)
- Europe: France, Picardie, Somme, Albert (3)
- Europe: France, Picardie, Somme, Albert Bapaume Area, Pozieres Area, Mouquet Farm (3)
- Europe: France, Picardie, Somme, Vignacourt (3)
- Europe: Gibraltar (3)
- Europe: Greece (3)
- Europe: Greece, Aegean Islands, Imbros (3)
- Oceania: Australia, Victoria, Melbourne, Port Melbourne (3)
- Oceans: Indian Ocean, Cocos Keeling Islands (3)
- Africa: Egypt, Frontier, Sinai, Romani Area, Romani (2)
- Africa: Egypt, Memphis (2)
- Africa: Egypt, South Egypt, Luxor (2)
- Africa: Egypt, Suez Canal Zone (2)
- Africa: Egypt, Suez Canal, Ferry Post (2)
- Asia: Japan (2)
- Europe: France, Haute-Normandie, Seine Maritime, Le Havre (2)
- Europe: France, Haute-Normandie, Seine Maritime, Rouen (2)
- Europe: France, Nord Pas de Calais, Nord (2)
- Europe: France, Picardie, Somme, Albert Bapaume Area, Bapaume (2)
- Europe: France, Picardie, Somme, Albert Combles Area, Fricourt (2)
- Europe: France, Picardie, Somme, Amiens (2)
- Europe: Greece, Aegean Islands, Sporades, Rhodes Island, Rhodes (2)
- Europe: United Kingdom, England, Devon, Plymouth (2)
- Europe: United Kingdom, England, Dorset, Weymouth (2)
- Mediterranean: Malta, Malta (island), Valletta (2)
- Middle East: Ottoman Empire, Palestine, Gaza (2)
- Middle East: Ottoman Empire, Palestine, Jerusalem (2)
- Middle East: Ottoman Empire, Palestine, Tel el Fara (2)
- Middle East: Ottoman Empire, Turkey, Dardanelles, Gallipoli, Anzac Area (Gallipoli), Anzac Beaches Area, Anzac Beach (2)
- Middle East: Ottoman Empire, Turkey, Dardanelles, Gallipoli, Anzac Area (Gallipoli), Anzac Beaches Area, Anzac Beach, Watson's Pier (2)
- Middle East: Ottoman Empire, Turkey, Dardanelles, Gallipoli, Anzac Area (Gallipoli), Anzac Beaches Area, North Beach, Williams Pier (2)
- Middle East: Ottoman Empire, Turkey, Dardanelles, Gallipoli, Anzac Area (Gallipoli), Quinn's Post Area, Quinn's Post (2)
- Middle East: Ottoman Empire, Turkey, Dardanelles, Gallipoli, Anzac Area (Gallipoli), Russell's Top (2)
- Middle East: Ottoman Empire, Turkey, Dardanelles, Gallipoli, Bolton's Ridge, Victoria Gully (2)
- Oceania: Australia, New South Wales, Wagga Wagga, Kapooka (2)
- Oceania: Australia, South Australia, Adelaide (2)
- Oceania: Australia, Victoria, Melbourne (2)
- Oceans: Indian Ocean, Gulf of Aden (2)
- Africa: Egypt, Cairo, Mataria (1)
- Africa: Egypt, Frontier, Sinai, Romani Area, Hill 70 (Romani) (1)
- Africa: Egypt, Sidi Bishr (1)
- Africa: Egypt, Suez Canal, El Ferdan (1)
- Africa: Mauritius (1)
- Africa: West Africa, Senegal, Dakar (1)
- Africa: West Africa, Sierra Leone, Freetown (1)
- Approximate locations: At sea (1)
- Asia: Burma (1)
- Asia: India (1)
- Asia: Japan, Hiroshima, Hiroshima (1)
- Asia: Japan, Shikoku, Zentsuji (1)
- Asia: Malaya (1)
- Asia: Malaya, Kuala Lumpur (1)
- Asia: Malaya, Malacca (1)
- Asia: Malaya, Penang (1)
- Asia: Singapore (1)
- Asia: Singapore, Changi (1)
- Asia: Singapore, Changi, Selarang Barracks (1)
- Asia: Singapore, Kranji (1)
- Europe: Belgium (1)
- Europe: Belgium, Flanders, West-Vlaanderen, Poperinghe (1)
- Europe: Belgium, Flanders, West-Vlaanderen, Ypres, Menin Road (1)
maker (57)
- Reynolds, Herbert Vincent (3)
- Bridges, William Throsby (2)
- Campbell, Sydney James (2)
- Cooper, Gordon Colin (2)
- Cunningham, Alexander Jackson (2)
- Davis, Henry Stanley (2)
- Gardiner, Reginald Scott (2)
- Griffiths, John Neville (2)
- Heywood, Reginald Harriman (2)
- Langtip, Henry (2)
- Ross-King, Alice (2)
- Rowed, Reg (2)
- Walker, Ralph (2)
- Australian Military Forces (1)
- Australian War Memorial (1)
- Blackman, Charles Tednee (1)
- Burns, Jack Lusby (1)
- Catlin, Paulina Melita (1)
- Catlin, Richard John (1)
- Catlin, Robert Henry (1)
- Chambers, Philip Arthur (1)
- Champion, Benjamin William (1)
- Champion, Gordon Cecil Buckingham (1)
- Commonwealth of Australia (1)
- Deck, Horace Leigh (1)
- Gates, Frank Johnson (1)
- Harford, David Bernard (1)
- Harris, Hubert Richard Joseph (1)
- Henderson, Ronald Lennox (1)
- Higgins, Mervyn Bournes (1)
- Hodgkinson, Roy (1)
- Hughes, Frederic Godfrey (1)
- Hurley, Thomas Ernest Victor (1)
- Immig, John (1)
- Jackson, Harry Melville (1)
- Leane, Benjamin Bennett (1)
- Lee, Alice J (1)
- Lee, Stanley (1)
- Lindsay, Lionel (1)
- Mackay, Ronald Grey (1)
- McCrae, Geoffrey Gordon (1)
- McInnis, Ronald Alison (1)
- McPhee, John Claude (1)
- Meyer, Cyril Bernard (1)
- Miller, Eric Giles (1)
- Peach, William Edward (1)
- Pflaum, Theodor Milton (1)
- Phillips, Richard Keith (1)
- Price, Charles Laurie (1)
- Redford, Thomas Harold (1)
- Richards, Thomas James 'Rusty' (1)
- Thomas, Arthur G (1)
- Topp, Samuel James (Jim) (1)
- Tubb, Frederick Harold (1)
- Turnbull, John Henry Llewellyn (1)
- Unknown (1)
- Wright, Almroth (1)
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62 Results
A group of servicemen prepared to receive vaccinations.
Maker: Deck, Horace Leigh
A group of servicemen prepared to receive vaccinations.P09726.001
A member of the Australian Flying Corps receiving an influenza vaccination on board the troopship ...
Maker: Unknown
A member of the Australian Flying Corps receiving an influenza vaccination on board the troopship Kaisar-I-Hind en route to Australia.P05925.001
At the Dili Beach refugee transit site, East Timorese refugees wait for vaccinations by ...
Maker: Immig, John
At the Dili Beach refugee transit site, East Timorese refugees wait for vaccinations by officials, probably of the office of the United nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Following the overwhelmi...P03605.467
Campbell, Sydney James (Captain, b.1887 - d.1915)
Private Record
Maker: Campbell, Sydney James Higgins, Mervyn Bournes Hughes, Frederic Godfrey McPhee, John Claude Redford, Thomas Harold
Collection relating to the service of Captain Sydney James Campbell, AAMC, Australia, at sea, Egypt, Gallipoli, 1915. Collection consists of a studio portrait of Captain Campbell and two negatives; s...PR88/102
Catlin, Robert Henry (Private, b.1888 - d.1915)
Private Record
Maker: Catlin, Paulina Melita Catlin, Richard John Catlin, Robert Henry Lee, Alice J Lee, Stanley
Collection relating to the service of 1113 Private (Pte) Robert Henry Catlin, 11 Battalion, AIF, Australia, Egypt, Gallipoli, 1914-1915. Collection consists chiefly of letters written by Robert Henry ...PR03991
Correspondence from Charles Tednee Blackman, 1915-1919
Digitised Collection
Maker: Blackman, Charles Tednee
Correspondence relating to the First World War service of 2584 Lance Corporal Charles Tednee Blackman, 9th Battalion. This correspondence spans the period 1915 to 1919, in which Blackman writes of the...RCDIG0001094
Diary of Alexander Jackson Cunningham, 1914-1916
Digitised Collection
Maker: Cunningham, Alexander Jackson
Diary relating to the First World War service of Captain Alexander Jackson Cunningham, 2nd Field Company Engineers. In this diary, kept between 17 October 1914 and 4 July 1916, Cunningham describes hi...RCDIG0000917
Diary of Alice Ross-King, 1915
Digitised Collection
Maker: Ross-King, Alice
Diary relating to the First World War service of Sister Alice Ross-King, Australian Army Nursing Service. The diary, kept between 17 January 1915 and 19 December 1915, details Ross-King's service with...RCDIG0000973
Diary of Frederick Harold Tubb, 1914-1915
Digitised Collection
Maker: Tubb, Frederick Harold
Diary relating to the First World War service of Major Frederick Harold Tubb VC, 7th Battalion. The diary was written by Frederick Tubb between 19 August 1914 to 24 May 1915 and describes his arrival...RCDIG0000274
Diary of Gordon Colin Cooper, 1916-1917
Digitised Collection
Maker: Cooper, Gordon Colin
Diary relating to the First World War service of 475 Private Gordon Colin Cooper, 1st Light Horse Regiment. In this diary, written between 1 January 1916 and 13 January 1917, Cooper records his servic...RCDIG0000901
Diary of Gordon Colin Cooper, 1917-1918
Digitised Collection
Maker: Cooper, Gordon Colin
Diary relating to the First World War service of 475 Private Gordon Colin Cooper, 1st Light Horse Regiment. In this diary, kept between 1 January 1917 and 3 January 1918, Cooper records his service as...RCDIG0000904
Diary of Henry 'Harry' Langtip, 1917
Digitised Collection
Maker: Langtip, Henry
Diary relating to the First World War service of 2347 Staff Sergeant Henry 'Harry' Langtip, 4th Light Horse Regiment. In this diary, written between 1 January 1917 and 31 December 1917, Langtip docume...RCDIG0000899
Diary of Henry Stanley Davis, 1915-1917
Digitised Collection
Maker: Davis, Henry Stanley
Diary relating to the First World War service of Captain Henry Stanley Davis, 46th Battalion. The relatively short and concise diary entries span from 18 October 1915 to 25 January 1917 and cover: emb...RCDIG0001157
Diary of Herbert Vincent Reynolds, 1914-1915
Digitised Collection
Maker: Reynolds, Herbert Vincent
Diary relating to the First World War service of 622 Private Herbert Vincent Reynolds, 1st Australian Field Ambulance. Covering the period from 2 December 1914 to 23 August 1915, this diary details th...RCDIG0001013
Diary of Herbert Vincent Reynolds, 1916-1917
Digitised Collection
Maker: Reynolds, Herbert Vincent
Diary relating to the First World War service of 622 Private Herbert Vincent Reynolds, 1st Australian Field Ambulance. In this diary, kept between 1 January 1916 and 19 January 1917, Reynolds details ...RCDIG0001014
Diary of Herbert Vincent Reynolds, 1914-1915
Digitised Collection
Maker: Reynolds, Herbert Vincent
Diary relating to the First World War service of 622 Private Herbert Vincent Reynolds, 1st Field Ambulance. In this diary, kept between 10 September 1914 and 31 December 1915, Reynolds details the per...RCDIG0001012
Diary of Jack Lusby Burns, January-April 1943
Digitised Collection
Maker: Burns, Jack Lusby
Diary relating to the Second World War Service of VX39159 Lieutenant Jack Lusby Burns, 1st Independent Company. This diary is the second of six diaries kept by Burns while he was a prisoner of war in...AWM2019.22.28
Diary of John Henry Llewellyn Turnbull, 1915
Digitised Collection
Maker: Turnbull, John Henry Llewellyn
Diary relating to the First World War service of 1433 Private John Henry Llewellyn Turnbull, 8th Battalion. This is the first of six detailed diaries transcribed by Turnbull after the war, and documen...RCDIG0001106
Diary of Philip Arthur Chambers, 1917-1918
Digitised Collection
Maker: Chambers, Philip Arthur
Diary relating to the First World War service of Major Philip Arthur Chambers, 12th Light Horse Regiment. In this diary, kept between 12 January 1917 and 31 December 1918, Chambers provides an officer...RCDIG0000910
Diary of Richard Keith Phillips, 1914-1915
Digitised Collection
Maker: Phillips, Richard Keith
Diary relating to the First World War service of 1084 Private Richard Keith Phillips, 5th Battalion. This small handwritten diary contains entries from 21 October 1914 to 23 November 1915, with severa...RCDIG0001134