Our People
The Memorial consists of three sub-programs: National Collection, Public Programs and Corporate Services. Guided by the Council, teams from each of these areas contribute to the mission of the Memorial.

The Australian War Memorial Council is part of the Veterans' Affairs portfolio, and functions in an executive management capacity.
The Australian War Memorial Council is responsible for the conduct and control of the affairs of the Memorial, and the policy of the Memorial with respect to any matters is determined by the Council.
The Australian War Memorial had a varied body of staff operating across all levels of the Commonwealth public service.
Our staff consists of executive, historians, curators, conservators, librarians, visitor services officers, digital specialists, security, corporate specialists, building services and more.
Fellow of the Australian War Memorial
The Council confers Fellowship of the Australian War Memorial on those who have made an outstanding contribution to the purposes or work of the Memorial significantly over and above what would normally be expected.