David Nicholson
David Nicholson
Tattoos are often a way to remember. David Nicolson, a former trooper with the Australian Army, was deployed to Afghanistan in 2011, where he served and was wounded by an improvised explosive device strike. His tattoos are a tribute to his painful and joyful experiences. The Soldiers’ Cross and the Ace of Spades tattoos speak of loss and luck, while the words “Mirabad Valley” mark where much of his service happened.The Australian War Memorial is photographing tattoos of current and former Defence Force members.
Tattoos in the military
This article explores the history of tattoos in the military by looking at their origins and meanings, and their representation in the Memorial’s photography collection.
Reasons for military tattoos are as varied as the people themselves, but there is almost always a single, definitive and unifying purpose for getting inked: To remember. Listen to podcasts and watch vodcasts on this sentimental topic explored by Stephanie Boyle, a Senior Memorial Curator.
Ink in the lines: tattoo stories of our veterans
The Memorial’s Ink in the lines project is documenting the stories of servicemen and servicewomen through oral history interviews and portrait photography. The Memorial’s “tatt team” have been to Victoria, Queensland, and New South Wales, meeting some wonderful veterans who generously shared their time and their experiences.
In Canberra
In Canberra is a project celebrating the cultural holdings of Australia. It is about unearthing, object by object, the vast collection held in Canberra on Australia’s behalf.
Visit the In Canberra website: https://incanberra.schwartzmedia.com.au/