Iraqi M85 gas mask

Place Middle East: Iraq, Al Asad
Accession Number REL35810
Collection type Heraldry
Object type Personal Equipment
Physical description Metal, Perspex, Plastic, Rubber
Maker Unknown
Place made Iraq
Date made c 1980s
Conflict Iraq, 2003-2013

M85 gas mask made from dark green rubber. A pair of clear Perspex lens are secured to the rubber face by black plastic and natural metal clamps. On the upper right side of the gas mask is a moulded manufacturers label featuring a stylised minaret and building within a rectangle. On the forehead of the gas mask is moulded a roman numeral 'II'. The nose of the gas mask has a circle shaped black plastic perforated cover. Attached to this circular cover is a black plastic screwcap 19 mm in diameter. This screwcap is used to cover the water inlet valve when it is not in use. The lower front of the gas mask has a circular outlet valve for the filter. Around this valve is a hard plastic edge. The right upper cheek is a black plastic nozzle with a length of rubber tubing for drinking water still attached. On the end of this tube is a screw top for attaching to a water bottle. On the side and upper edges of the gas mask are eight dark green rubber and black plastic extensions for adjustable straps. These straps are not with the gas mask. The inside surfaces of the gas mask are smooth.

History / Summary

This Iraqi M85 gas mask was found during a Sensitive Site Exploitation of Al Asad Air Force base by the Special Air Service Regiment (SASR), 4 Battalion Royal Australian Regiment Commando (4RAR CDO) and the Incident Response Regiment (IRR) element in May 2003. The Iraqi made M85 gas masks were used during the 1991 Gulf War and evidently were still in service in 2003.