Private William Daly

Service number 6256
Birth Date 1899-03-03
Birth Place Australia: New South Wales, Holbrook
Death Date 1917-02-28
Death Place France
Final Rank Private
Service Australian Imperial Force
Unit 4th Australian Infantry Battalion
Conflict/Operation First World War, 1914-1918

6256 Private William Daly of the 4th Infantry Battalion was born on 3 March 1899 in Germanton (now known as Holbrook), New South Wales. He was working on a farm at Mullengandra but travelled to Cootamundra to enlist in April 1916, claiming to be a railway employee from Junee. On 28 February 1917, both of Daly's legs were blown off by an exploding shell in the trenches at Le Barque in France. He died at a first aid post several hours later, just a few days before his 18th birthday. William Daly is buried in the Bazentin-le-Petit Military Cemetery, Bazentin, France.



Date of birth 03 March 1899
Date of enlistment 05 April 1916
Date of embarkation 09 September 1916
Date of death 28 February 1917