Lieutenant Colonel James Gordon Dobbs

Service number 7122, SX2929
Birth Date 1899-10-28
Birth Place Australia: South Australia, Prospect
Final Rank Lieutenant Colonel
Place Prospect
  • First World War, 1914-1918
  • Second World War, 1939-1945



Date of birth 28 October 1899
Date of embarkation 16 December 1916
Date and unit at appointment (Officers) 27 February 1934 Comissioned as a lieutenant in the 43/48th Battalion.
Other units 21 February 1938 Transferred to 9/49th Battalion.
Date promoted 13 May 1940 Appointed major.
Date and unit at appointment (Officers) 14 May 1940 Seconded to the 2/27th Battalion and enlisted in the Second Australian Infantry Force.
Other 24 November 1940 Arrived in the Middle East.
Other 1941-03-10 - 1941-04-13 Attended a course for senior officers at the Middle East Tactical School.
Other units 01 January 1942 Appointed general service officer grade 2, AIF Headquarters, Middle East.
Other units 03 January 1942 Appointed lieutenant colonel and commanding officer of the 2/10th Battalion.
Date returned to Australia 29 March 1942 Returned to Adelaide.
Other 15 August 1942 Arrived in Moresby.
Other 05 January 1943 Relinquished command of the 2/10th Battalion, as deemed medically unfit for duty due to malaria. Dobbs suffered continued recurrence of malaria in following years.
Date returned to Australia 14 January 1943 Medical evacuation to Brisbane.
Other units 30 April 1943 Appointed commanding officer to Metropolitan Troops, Headquarters Queensland Lines of Communication Area.
Other units 18 October 1943 Appointed commanding officer 4th Australian Reinforcements Training Battalion.
Other 28 October 1944 Medically downgraded.
Other 29 December 1944 Relinquished command 4th Australian Reinforcements Training Battalion.
Date of discharge 04 March 1945 Transferred to the Reserve of Officers.