1. Spilling the Beans -- 2. The Hungarian Gold Train -- 3. The Budingen Affair -- 4. The Occupation of Berlin -- 5. The Early Raids -- 6. The Kaminsky Affair -- 7. Concealing the Nest Eggs -- 8. The General's Kingdom -- 9. The Property Control Warehouse- 10. The Salzburg Coin Collection -- 11. Robberies in the Property Control Warehouse -- 12. Judge James H. McGuire -- 13. The Unearthing of the Treasure -- 14. Washington D.C. - 1946 -- 15. The Tightening Noose --16. The Trials -- 17. The End of the GoTrain Property -- 18. Austria - 1947 -- 19. The Austrian Monasteries -- 20. The Salzburg Province -- 21. The Munich Collection Center -- 22. Evelyn Tucker's Final Report -- 23. The Looting of the Munich Collection Center -- 24. The Good Fortune of Austa -- 25. Resolution -- Appendix: Partial Inventory of SS Loot.