Gulf of Oman to Shatt al Arab.

Collection type Library
Author Great Britain. Admiralty.;
Call Number G 7422.P4 S73
Document type Cartographic Material
Year 1990, c198
Pagination 1 map : col. ; 72 x
Publisher The Admiralty,
Note FIRST only. Photocopied navigation chart used by HMAS Brisbane during the Gulf War 1991. Depths shown by contours and soundings; land relief by spot heights. Scale 1:1 500 000. Includes notes on pipe lines, oil and gas fields, restricted areas, etc. Corrected to 1990. "2884". Includes handwritten annotations giving navigational detail.
Place made Taunton [England]

Shelf Items

Barcode Call Suffix Volume Part Year Location Status
G 7422.P4 S73 Stacks On shelf