Ryde goes to war : 1914-1918 / Ryde District Historical Society.

Collection type Library
Author Cox, Bernard, writer of foreword.; Ryde District Historical Society author issuing body.;
Call Number F 940.4099441 R992
Document type Monograph
Year 2015.
Pagination xii, 345 pages : illustrations, 1 map, portraits, facsimiles ; 30 cm.
Publisher Ryde District Historical Society Inc.,
Note "This publication has been supported by funding from the Australian Government's Anzac Centenary Program."-Verso of title page. Includes bibliographical references and index. "Commemorating those men and women of the district of Ryde who served in World War One and the families they left behind."--Back cover.
Place made Ryde, N.S.W. :

Shelf Items

Barcode Call Suffix Volume Part Year Location Status
AWM085570 F 940.4099441 R992 Stacks On Shelf