Explosive and impact dynamics. Explosive shocks in air. High velocity impact dynamics.

Collection type Library
Author Australian Defence Force Academy. Dept. of Civil Engineering; Unisearch Ltd;
Call Number F 355.8 E96
Document type Monograph
Year 1989.
Pagination 2 v. : ill.
Publisher Australian Defence Force Academy,
Note At head of title: Dept. of Civil Engineering. "Sponsored by Unisearch Limited"--Cover. Cover title. Volume 1 and 2 bound together. Includes bibliographical references.
Place made [Canberra, ACT] :

Vol. 1. Explosive shocks in air -- v. 2. High velocity impact dynamics (A) -- v.3. High velocity impact dynamics (B)

Shelf Items

Barcode Call Suffix Volume Part Year Location Status
AWM090599 F 355.8 E96 V.3 3 Stacks On Shelf
AWM090598 F 355.8 E96 V 1 & 2 1 & 2 Stacks On Shelf