Operation Gemini

Date from 01 January 1991
Date to 31 December 1993
Category Peacekeeping Operation
Conflict Cambodia (UNTAC), 1992-1993
Alternative Names
  • Gemini

Strength: 1279 ADF personnel - 65 Personnel of the UNAMIC Contingent, mainly consisting of the 2nd Signal Regiment on 12-month tour of duty, New Zealand communications staff (45 personnel on 6 month tours) collectively forming the Force Communications Unit (FCU UNTAC comprised 545 personnel from 1992-1993). Movement Control Group of 30 ADF Personnel. One Blackhawk Helicopter Squadron accompanied by an Infantry Protection Platoon (2/4 RAR).

Area of Operations: Cambodia, Thailand, Laos and Vietnam.

In October 1991, prior to UNTAC being formally established, Australia contributed a 65-strong communications unit to its precursor, the UN Advance Mission in Cambodia (UNAMIC). On UNTAC's establishment, the ADF Contingent increased to 502 personnel, comprising 488 Force Communications Unit (FCU) and 14 staff on HQ UNTAC. The FCU was originally based on the 2nd Signal Regiment but reinforced from many other units, including 20 personnel each from the RAN and the RAAF. 45 New Zealand personnel also bolstered the FCU. The FCU was spread across 56 locations throughout Cambodia and saw more action than any other UN unit.

UNTAC was established under the 1991 Paris Agreements to supervise a ceasefire and a general election in Cambodia. UNTAC's Military component consisted of 16,000 personnel from 32 countries. The Force Commander of this highly demanding and complex operation was Lieutenant General J.M. Sanderson AC.

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