Wrecked Russian aircraft, Bagram, Afghanistan

Place Asia: Afghanistan
Accession Number ART91920
Collection type Art
Measurement Framed: 37.7 cm x 47.7 cm x 3.8 cm; Unframed: 34.8 cm x 44.8 cm
Object type Painting
Physical description oil on hardboard
Maker Churcher, Peter
Place made Afghanistan
Date made 1 September 2002
Conflict Period 2000-2009
Afghanistan, 2001-2021
Copyright Item copyright: © Australian War Memorial
Creative Commons License This item is licensed under CC BY-NC

Painting of a wrecked Russian Aircraft in Bagram. Peter Churcher recalled, "'These wrecks are a vestige from the Russian/Afghan war (Bagram was then a Russian air-base) - They have been piled in one particular spot on the edge of the flight-path and it is referred to as the 'Graveyard'. This painting is dedicated to the five Afghanistan people who were killed in the village by a landmine just near where this painting took place. They died on the morning of Sept 1st whilst I was painting this picture".