Alert 15, two-deck cafe, HMAS Kanimbla

Place Middle East: Persian Gulf
Accession Number ART91754
Collection type Art
Measurement Framed: 61.2 cm x 71.3 cm x 3.5 cm; Unframed: 46 cm x 56 cm x .8 cm
Object type Painting
Physical description oil on hardboard
Maker Churcher, Peter
Place made Persian Gulf
Date made 4 February 2002
Conflict Period 2000-2009
Afghanistan, 2001-2021
Copyright Item copyright: © Australian War Memorial
Creative Commons License This item is licensed under CC BY-NC

Figures of men waiting to be called to action. Both HMAS Kanimbla's and the US Navy Seal boarding parties play cards and 'Uckers' whilst waiting for boardings. Peter Churcher recalled, "Every evening the Australian boarding party and the US Navy Seals (top crack team component of the Navy for my benefit) were on "Alert 15", which meant that they had to sit in the one area dressed and ready for immediate response to a boarding alert call. Until such a call the men could not go anywhere but simply had to wait. Games of cards, computer games etc helped to pass the time. I enjoyed witnessing the camaraderie between the Americans and the Australians in this situation."