Interview with Lieutenant Colonel Greg de Somer Military Adviser to the UN Special Envoy for the Middle East

Accession Number F04892
Collection type Film
Measurement 30 min 37 sec
Object type To be confirmed
Physical description Colour/Mini DV/sound (stereo)
Maker Gittoes, George Noel
Place made Israel: Gaza
Date made 6 August 2001
Access Open
Conflict Period 2000-2009
Copyright Item copyright: © Australian War Memorial
Creative Commons License This item is licensed under CC BY-NC

Interview with Lieutenant Colonel De Somers conducted by George Gittoes in Gaza 6 August 2001. Describes the duties of his position within UNSCO (the Office of the United Nations Special Coordinator in the Occupied Territories) as Military Adviser to Mr Terge Roed Larson the Norwegian United Nations (UN) Special Envoy for the Middle East. Explains the rational for the creation of this UN office. His relationship with the Israeli Defence Force and the Palestinian Authority. Attending Anzac Day Ceremonies in Gallipoli. Condition of Australian war graves in Gaza and Damascus. How the Australians are regarded by the opposing sides. Meeting the United States Secretary of State Colin Powell. Experience of an Israeli Apache helicopter attack on Palestinian police compound. Working with the CIA. His relationship with the UN Special Envoy. His educational qualifications in Humanitarian Law before joining the Army. His experience of the Palestinian Intifada.

Film order form
  • Video of Interview with Lieutenant Colonel Greg de Somer Military Adviser to the UN Special Envoy for the Middle East (video)