Borneo / Harry Dunkley

Accession Number F00299
Collection type Film
Measurement 29 min 41 sec
Object type Home movie
Physical description 8mm standard/colour (Kodachrome)/silent
Maker Dunkley, Harold Vaughan
Place made Borneo: North Borneo
Date made February 1965
Conflict Indonesian Confrontation, 1962-1966

Item copyright: Unlicensed copyright

Source credit to This item has been digitised with funding provided by Commonwealth Government.

An 8mm colour film taken by Army Public Relations Photographer Harold Dunkley during a visit to North Borneo in 1965. Film opens with a close up of a calendar for Feb 1965. Map of South East Asia then close up of Borneo. Malaysia airway tickets. A F-27 Fokker Friendship passenger aircraft. Stewardess collecting tickets from passengers. F-27 taking off close ups of the wheel re-tracking on take off. Aerials of flight to Borneo. Wheels down and landing. The Fata Hotel, Kuching Sarawak. Close up of an Australian soldier. Locals in canoes. Close up of Australian Lieutenant Colonel ?. Ferry crossing, trucks ferried across the river. Close up of a letter addressed to Mr H V Dunkley. Close up the Sarawak stamps on the letter and the Fata Hotel monogram. On board an aircraft showing wheel up on take off, aerials then close up of wheel down on landing at Jesselton airport, Sabah. Sign for Wang’s Hotel. A wide shot of the hotel. Locals on the river, markets and food sellers. Sign for the Sea View Hotel. DC-3 of Borneo Airways. Close up of tickets and baggage labels. Street scenes showing female labourers. Map showing Sandakan. A motor boat trip on a river showing a soldier holding an SLR sitting on the boat. Scenes from the boat showing river traffic and activities on the river bank. Close up of one of the passengers on the boat a moustached civilian journalist/cameraman. More river scenes showing felled timber logs afloat. Arrival at a military post HQ showing flag poles. Various scenes of troops relaxing. View from the military post down to the river showing laundered white hanging to dry. Various activities at the post showing engineers welding and military vehicles. The moustached man from the boat filming using a 16mm Bolex cine camera. Various earthmoving vehicles at work showing bulldozers, back hoes and grader. Close ups of a map of Sabah with a pens pointing at Jesselton and Keningau. A motor rail at a station on the North Borneo Railway. A trip on the railway. A flags indicating the HQ of another military post. Sign ‘Keningau - Sook Road construction by 7th Field Squadron Group Royal Australian Engineers and Public Works Department Sabah Malaysia’. A military pontoon used to ferry people across a river. Driving onto Sign for the Ansip Ferry. Views from the Land Rover as it drives onto the ferry. Driving along the jungle road passing local women, a man on water buffalo and other playing a bamboo mouth organ. Construction work on the road showing culverts. The engineer’s camp and construction equipment. Close up of Australian Lieutenant and engineer. Dump truck and views of the road through the camp. Australian engineers at work. Change of location to an official ceremony showing Malaysian flags and officials. Close up of badges for cars on the cars and flags. An Australian Beaver liaison aircraft. Spectators. Close up of labels and poster at a police station. Transport aircraft arrives. Waiting officials including a Dayak leader wearing a western suite. VIPs leave the aircraft to be greeted by the delegation. A British officer and motorcade of VIPS. Schools children lining the sides of the road waving Malaysian flags. Close up of Air Borneo Airways tickets and baggage labels. Onboard the aircraft showing the pilot and cockpit. Scene change to onboard Royal Navy Commando carrier HMS Albion or Bulwark. Views of the ship showing control tower, radar and ships badge. Westland Wessex taking off from the carrier’s flight deck. A RAF Scottish Aviation Pioneer light communication aircraft lands on the carrier. British Army Air Corps Beaver communications aircraft lands on the carrier and manhandled by deck crew. Soldiers putting on life jackets. Wessex transport helicopter land on the carrier and unloading troops and troops personal equipment. Film concludes with end title.

  • Video of Borneo / Harry Dunkley (video)