A good time, an unguarded word, comrades lost, Hitler served

Place Oceania: Australia
Accession Number ARTV01096
Collection type Art
Measurement Overall: 50.6 x 31.9 cm
Object type Poster
Physical description Offset lithograph on paper
Maker Unknown
Australian Government
Place made Australia
Date made c. 1939-1945
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


This poster is an Australian adaptation of the English 'Careless talk costs lives' and the US Office of War Information's 'Loose lips sink ships' campaigns. The poster outlines the dangers of passing on military information, even to friends. The poster features three black and white photographs of people with a blue halo around them on a white background. The top of the poster features the text 'A good time' in red ink. Directly beneath these words is a photogrpah of three men leaning on a counter and chatting. The middle of the poster has two people, a man and a woman talking to each other on the phone. They are joined together by the phone cord which forms the words 'We Leave On'. Underneath the smiling man and woman are the words 'AN UNGUARDED WORD' printed in red ink, followed with the next line in black ink reading, 'Comrades Lost', with the two words separated by a cross on top of a grave. The final text is at the bottom of the poster, and reads in red ink 'HITLER SERVED'.

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