A Happy New Year to our Gallant Soldiers

Accession Number ARTV00436
Collection type Art
Measurement Overall: 77 x 49.2 cm; sheet: 79.3 x 51.7 cm
Object type Poster
Physical description chromolithograph on paper
Maker Unknown
Publicity Department, Central London Recruiting Depot
Johnson, Riddle & Co. Ltd.
Place made United Kingdom
Date made 1915
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Depicts British troops marching into the setting sun, in which the year '1915' is printed; around the yellow rays of the sun is the word 'VICTORY'. While the sun represents the closing of the year 1915, it also evokes the phrase 'the sun will never set on the British Empire', the words 'Victory' promise a new beginning for the Empire, despite the damage caused by the war, should enough men join the army. Printed in lower part of the poster in white and green ink is the message, 'You can make it certain if you JOIN NOW'. This is a very colourful recruiting poster for this period, employing the complementary opposites of the yellow sun, and the purple of the marching soldiers in silhouette, to catch the viewer's eye.

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