German soldier's shoulder strap : Lieutenant General Sir John Monash, AIF

Place Europe: Western Front
Accession Number RELAWM15098.021
Collection type Heraldry
Object type Uniform
Physical description Cotton, Wool
Maker Unknown
Place made Germany
Date made c 1914-1918
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918

German soldier's field grey wool strap with white piping. The chain stitched regimental number has been removed, but appears to have been a '3' or an '8'.

History / Summary

Single shoulder straps were routinely removed from dead or captured Germans for intelligence purposes, so that the names of the units opposing the Allied forces could be established.

This shoulder strap was collected by an Australian unit and sent to the Australian Corps Headquarters, under the command of Lieutenant General Sir John Monash, in 1918.

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