On les aura! [We'll get them!]

Place Europe: France
Accession Number ARTV00065
Collection type Art
Measurement Overall: 120.2 x 86.2 cm; sheet: 113.6 x 80 cm
Object type Poster
Physical description lithograph
Maker Faivre, Jules Abel
French Government
Devambez Imprimerie
Date made 1916
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918

Item copyright: Unlicensed copyright


French First World war poster advertising the Second National Defence Loan. A 1916 poster highly regarded for its artistic quality by the French cartoonist, painter and portraitist Jules Abel Faivre. Depicts an ordinary French soldier in a pose referencing François Rude's 'Departure of the Volunteers' , on the Arc de Triomphe. Holding his rifle by his side his left hand is extended skywards as he calls over his shoulder. His call ' on les aura!' quotes General Philippe Petain's words at the battle of Verdun. The strong patriotic image was reused several times in France and copied or adapted by other countries including the United States during the Second World War. Many countries realised that extra funds and resources would be needed for the war and launched public war loans programs. Individuals and companies were asked to buy government war bonds which would be repaid with interest after the war. These loan subscriptions have been estimated to have covered 60 percent or more of the cost of the war in Germany. War loan posters were extremely prolific during the First World War.