Group portrait of members of 5 Military History Field Team and correspondents posed with a ...

Accession Number 096500
Collection type Photograph
Object type Negative
Maker Unknown
Place made New Guinea1: Papua New Guinea, East New Britain, Rabaul
Date made 13 September 1945
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Group portrait of members of 5 Military History Field Team and correspondents posed with a Chrysler sedan, a former Japanese staff car, which was used by the team until the arrival of their own vehicles at Rabaul after the occupation by troops of 4 Infantry Brigade. Identified is, back row (left to right): NX113826 Lietuenant Bruce Alfred Harding; WX27991 Staff Sergeant Ernest Robertson Thain; NX173287 Sergeant Robert Edwin Rice; Corporal S.A. Robinson; John Thompson, Australian Broadcasting Commission War Correspondent. Front row (left to right), Sergeant N. Kelly, Army Public Relations; NX95472 Lieutenant Frederick Sydney Wood; VX73951 Sergeant Lindsay Stuart Morgan.