Place | Asia: Malaya, Perak, Sungei Siput |
Accession Number | HOB/56/0752/MC |
Collection type | Photograph |
Object type | Negative |
Maker |
Hobson, Phillip Oliver |
Place made | Malaya: Perak |
Date made | 1956 |
Conflict |
Malayan Emergency, 1948-1960 |
Copyright |
Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain
Unidentified soldiers from the 'stand by' platoon of B Company, 2nd Battalion, The Royal ...
Unidentified soldiers from the 'stand by' platoon of B Company, 2nd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment (2RAR), head off into the rubber towards the jungle. They are hard on the heels of a recently sighted gang of Communist terrorists. 'Stand by' platoons are ready to move off at 30 minutes notice from their base at Sungei Siput. With all their equipment pre-prepared, they got the word to 'saddle up' and were on their way within 30 minutes. This patrol may stay out in the jungle for four days or more, living off 24 hour ration boxes. They will keep in touch with their base by radio and if necessary they can be re-supplied by air drop or helicopter. This group of men are armed with a Bren gun and Number 5, Short Magazine Lee Enfield (SMLE), jungle carbines. The Daimler Ferret armoured car in the background was used to escort the troop trucks on the drive from base camp and will stand guard until all the troops have disappeared into the jungle.