The 9th Field Company of Australian Engineers engaged in the reconstruction of a bridge across ...

Accession Number E03184
Collection type Photograph
Object type Negative
Maker Unknown Australian Official Photographer
Place made France
Date made 1 September 1918
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


The 9th Field Company of Australian Engineers engaged in the reconstruction of a bridge across the Somme near Curlu, between Feuillieres and Hem, destroyed by the Germans in their retreat in August 1918. The timber structure was built by the Germans and, during the retreat, was partly destroyed by them by fire. The remainder (340 linear feet) of the bridge was dismantled and two low level bridges were built, one across the canal (which was behind the photographer) and the other through the demolished steel span seen in the photograph. The work commenced on 1 September and the route was clear for motor transport of all kinds at 4 p.m. on 2 September. The bridges were built entirely with material from the dismantled bridge. The battle of Mont St Quentin (eastward), which was in progress, could be plainly seen from the bridge. The soldier in the right foreground is Lance Corporal D. W. Chippindale.