Kawana, Oshima, Fuji

Accession Number F04954
Collection type Film
Measurement 19 min 12 sec
Object type Home movie
Physical description 16mm/colour (Kodachrome)/silent
Maker O'Brien, John William Alexander
Place made Japan
Date made 1948
Conflict British Commonwealth Occupation Force, 1946-1952 (Japan)

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


A home movie taken by Brigadier (Brig) John O'Brien. Brig O'Brien served as the Leader of the Australian Scientific Mission to Japan 1945-1946 and Chief of the Scientific and Technical Division Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (SCAP) HQ Tokyo 1946-1951. Title 'Kawana'. Scenes of the coast line, sea caves and scenery. Rolling timber logs down a cliff. A fishing village. Fish drying. Village women carrying baskets of fire wood. Sign 'BCOF Holiday Hostel Hotel Kawana'. Views of the hotel and golf course and surrounding countryside. BCOF officer's wives swimming in the hotel pool. BCOF families at the poolside. Brigadier (Brig) John W A O'Brien in swimming costume. Tennis. Slow motion of Japanese golfer teeing off. View of the golf course and sea. Golfers on putting green. No 5 Tee. View of the bay and village. Long shot of Mount Fuji. Title 'Oshima weekend June 1948' Embarking at Yokosuka Naval Base' US Navy crew and O'Brien family. Map showing the route. Underway to Oshima women sitting at stern of the boat. USN crew. Views of the naval base. Brigadier O'Brien's son? on the boat. Japanese fishing boat. The party arrives at Oshima and is greeted by Japanese police. Party drives off in Oshima Police vehicle. USN boat returns to Yokosuka. Title: 'Some pitching' Shows girls pitching horse shoes. Brig O'Brien and family boards bus. Japanese children collecting sticks. Mothers and children. O'Brien women collect flowers. O'Brien girl with Japanese child. View of the harbour. Sunken ship. Bus arrives. Title: 'Homeward bound' Voyage back to Yokosuka. O'Brien children pose with US flag. Women lounge on the ster of the boat. Rough seas. Title: 'Sayonara'. 'Climbing Mt Fuji 12,461' '18th Dec 1948'. Long shot of Mt Fuji from beach. Close up of wrist watch - time 11.30. View of red sky. Mt Fuji and close up of wrist watch again. Title 'The lakes of Fuji' 'Blizzard on top' Four men resting on mountain side.

Film order form
  • Video of Kawana, Oshima, Fuji (video)