
Accession Number F04953
Collection type Film
Measurement 10 min 14 sec
Object type Home movie
Physical description 16mm/colour (Kodachrome)/silent
Maker O'Brien, John William Alexander
Place made Japan
Date made late 1940s
Access Open
Conflict British Commonwealth Occupation Force, 1946-1952 (Japan)

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


A home movie taken by Brigadier (Brig) John O'Brien. Brig O'Brien served as the Leader of the Australian Scientific Mission to Japan 1945-1946 and Chief of the Scientific and Technical Division Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (SCAP) HQ Tokyo 1946-1951. Title: 'Karuizawa Holidays' Shows map with a pencil indicating the train line to Karuizawa. Title: 'Enroute'. Shows Japanese peasants at work and views of countryside. Title: 'Rack Railway'. Sign '1275 The O'Briens'. O'Brien children drive by in a jeep No 739029. Mrs O'Brien with women - including a US Women's Army Corps (WAC). Women drive off in jeep. Large white two storey house. Title: 'Golfing Team'. Shows the O'Briens riding bicycles. Title: ' Jill hits off the first tee.' Title: 'On the fifth'. Title 'Pa does it in par'. 'Title: 'The eighth'. Shots of autumn foliage holiday in snow. O'Brien men off hunting. Views of countryside. Title: 'The End"

Film order form
  • Video of Karuizawa (video)