Second Lieutenant (2Lt) Gordon Alexander, and his signaller, Bombardier (Bdr) John (Blue) ...

Accession Number P03022.007
Collection type Photograph
Object type Colour - Print
Maker Alexander, Ross
Free, John
Place made Vietnam: Bien Hoa Province, Fire Support Base Coral, Vietnam: Bien Hoa Province, Long Binh
Date made 9 May 1968-11 May 1968
Conflict Vietnam, 1962-1975

Item copyright: AWM Licensed copyright


Second Lieutenant (2Lt) Gordon Alexander, and his signaller, Bombardier (Bdr) John (Blue) Ericsson, both of 12th Field Regiment, 1st Australian Task Force (1ATF), towards the end of a patrol near Long Binh Post, Bien Hoa Province, during Operation Toan Thang I in early May 1968. 2Lt Alexander was the artillery forward observer (FO) with D Coy 1RAR, commanded by Major A.W.Hammett. It is likely that the patrol was of company or near-company strength, as the FO and his signaller invariably accompanied the company commander with his company headquarters. Tactical separation on patrol is the reason for only these two artillerymen being visible. Only patrol-order equipment is being worn. The aerial of Bdr Ericsson's AN/PRC 25 radio can be seen over his right shoulder and the radio handset in front of his left shoulder . Both Alexander and Ericsson are armed with the M16 'Armalite' rifle.

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