Khedive's Star 1882 - 1891 : Private W Divall, New South Wales Contingent to the Sudan

Accession Number RELAWM16021.006
Collection type Heraldry
Object type Medal
Physical description Bronze
Maker Messrs H Jenkins & Sons
Place made Egypt, United Kingdom: England, West Midlands, Birmingham
Date made c 1886
Conflict Sudan, 1885

Khedive's Star 1882 - 1891. Unnamed as issued. Obverse: In the centre is the Sphinx with the three Great Pyramids in the background. Around this is a raised band, on the upper part of which is embossed 'EGYPT' followed by the dates '1884-6'. The lower part of the band is embossed in Arabic 'KHEDIVE OF EGYPT' with the appropriate date. Reverse: The Khedive's monogram 'T.M.' surmounted by a crown within a raised band. The suspender is a small fixed loop attached between the two uppermost rays of the star. A loose ring is attached to the loop joining a straight laureated bar bearing a crescent moon and a small five pointed star. A small piece of 39 mm plain dark blue ribbon is attached to the suspender bar.

History / Summary

Awarded to 28 Private William Divall, New South Wales Infantry. A twenty year old labourer from Goulburn NSW, Divall served in E Company, 1 Regiment, NSW Volunteer Infantry (Goulburn) before to serving in C Company of the Sudan Contingent in 1885. He later served in the Boer War as private in the 1st NSW Mounted Infantry and in First World War as a corporal with the 6th Light Horse Regiment.

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