Shredded remains of a Pattern 08 haversack : Pope's Hill, Gallipoli

Place Middle East: Ottoman Empire, Turkey, Dardanelles, Gallipoli, Anzac Area (Gallipoli), Quinn's Post Area, Pope's Hill
Accession Number RELAWM00412.001
Collection type Heraldry
Object type Heraldry
Physical description Canvas
Location Main Bld: First World War Gallery: The Anzac Story: Gallipoli: August Offensive 1
Maker Unknown
Place made Australia, United Kingdom
Date made c 1914-1915
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918

The shredded remains of a Pattern 08 haversack. The haversack is missing most of the proper right side and half the base. There are two large holes in the flap.

History / Summary

This damaged haversack, found in no man's land at Pope's Hill in 1919, possibly belonged to a man in the 1st Light Horse Regiment, who attacked the Turkish position known as the 'Chessboard' on 7 August 1915.

During the attack, the Australians fought their way into the third line of trenches, but casualties were heavy. The Turks soon counter-attacked but the light horsemen held on for two hours. However, once it appeared that the attacks at the Nek and Quinn's Post had failed they withdrew under fire carrying as many of their wounded as they could. 200 men from the 1st Light Horse Regiment were involved, 147 became casualties.