A group portrait of war correspondents and press censors outside the British Press Headquarters ...

Place Europe: France
Accession Number A00712
Collection type Photograph
Object type Black & white - Glass original half plate negative
Maker Unknown
Place made France
Date made 1916
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


A group portrait of war correspondents and press censors outside the British Press Headquarters probably at Rollencourt Chateau. Left to right, back row: Unidentified press officer; Captain (Capt) Cadge, press censor; Mr Beach Thomas, Daily Mail correspondent; unidentified press officer. Centre row: Capt Roberts, press censor; Mr Malcolm Ross, New Zealand official correspondent; Mr Frederick Palmer, American war correspondent; Capt Faunthorpe, press censor (afterwards chief press censor for some time and noted by Bean as 'a very good censor'). Front row; Mr Perry Robinson, Times and Daily News correspondent; Mr Phillip Gibbs, Daily Telegraph and Daily Chronicle correspondent; Lieutenant Colonel Hutton Wilson, chief press censor; Mr H Russell, Reuters correspondent; Mr C E W Bean, Australian official correspondent.