Colour portrait of a soldier, eyes raised to the sky. This portrait produced by a ...

Accession Number P02591.001
Collection type Photograph
Object type Colour
Physical description Colour
Maker Cato, Jack
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Colour portrait of a soldier, eyes raised to the sky. This portrait produced by a photo-mechanical process, is a study which is called 'The spirit of Anzac' or 'The Digger'. The model was Pat Hanna, a New Zealander who served in the First World War, who tried to recreate the "look something between fear and defiance which we have all seen so often, and which will always remain in my memory as typical of our gallant old cobbers 'the Diggers'". This image hung in Blamey House during the Second World War where many soldiers were inspired by the verse with which it was framed (see P02591.002). (Donor P. Hanna)

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