Currie, Alister McGregor 'Mac' MBE (Warrant Officer)

Place Europe: Germany
Accession Number PR00973
Collection type Private Record
Record type Collection
Measurement 1cm (1 item)
Object type Letter
Maker Currie, Alister McGregor 'Mac'
Date made 1943
Access Open
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Original letter from 407822 Warrant Officer Alister McGregor Currie ('Mac'), an airman, to his wife from Prisoner of War camp Stalag VIIIB in Germany dated 2 October 1943. It describes the crash of his aircraft near Saint-Nazaire, France after a bombing raid in March 1942, his capture, transport to the camp, escape attempt and recapture, and conditions in the POW camps he experienced. The letter was smuggled out by a fellow POW who was repatriated.

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