Group portrait of the officers of the 7th Company Engineers, at Leewerk Farm, near Neuve Eglise. ...

Accession Number E01587
Collection type Photograph
Object type Black & white - Glass copy negative
Maker Unknown Australian Official Photographer
Place made Belgium: Flanders, West-Vlaanderen, Messines, Neuve Eglise
Date made 26 December 1917
Conflict First World War, 1914-1918

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Group portrait of the officers of the 7th Company Engineers, at Leewerk Farm, near Neuve Eglise. Left to right, back row: Lieutenant (Lt) F. F. Christian MC and Bar, 7th Field Company; Lt H. C. Renshaw MC; Lt J. T. Gray, 5th Field Company; Lt C. W. N. Sexton, 6th Field Company; Lt F. J. Deacon, 5th Field Company. Middle row: Lt T. A. Lawrie, 7th Field Company; Lt Alfred Leslie Polson MC, 7th Field Company; Lt E. H. Davies, 6th Field Company (later awarded the MC); Lt Arthur Ronald Parkinson, 5th Field Company (severely wounded 31 August 1918); Lt L. P. Elsum, 6th Field Company; Lt Lancelot W. Gill, 7th Field Company (severely wounded 21 May 1918); Lt Arthur Kernaghan MM, 7th Field Company (killed in action 1 September 1918); Lt C. E. Plant MM, 5th Field Company; Lt F. S. Croker, 5th Field Company (later awarded the MC). Front row: Captain (Capt) Sandbrook, Regimental Medical Officer; Capt J. G. Burnell MC, 5th Field Company; Lt H. E. Harris MC, Adjutant (later awarded the French Croix de Guerre); Major (Maj) N. C. Harris MC, Officer Commanding 6th Field Company (later awarded the DSO); Lieutenant Colonel J. M. C. Corlette DSO, Commander, Royal Engineers, 2nd Division (later awarded the French Legion d'Honneur); Maj R. S. Reid, Officer Commanding, 5th Field Company (later awarded the DSO); Maj E. N. Webb MC, Officer Commanding, 7th Field Company (S. Portar Medal later awarded the DSO); Capt Louis Noedl MC, 7th Field Company (later awarded the DSO); Capt J. Coghlan MC, 6th Field Company (later Major and Officer Commanding, 14th Field Company).

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