F5076 Norman Ronald Stephens, as an able seaman, Royal Australian Navy (RAN) corvette HMAS Tamworth and mine-layer HMAS Bungaree; Australian waters, Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf and West Pacific Ocean; 1943-1946; interviewed by John Roberts.

Accession Number S01791
Collection type Sound
Measurement Duration: 59 Minutes
Object type Oral history
Physical description TDK D60 Cassette
Maker Stephens, Norman Ronald (Ron)
Roberts, Niall John
Date made 27 January 1998
Access Open
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945
Copyright Item copyright: © Australian War Memorial
Creative Commons License This item is licensed under CC BY-NC
Copying Provisions Copyright restrictions apply. Only personal, non-commercial, research and study use permitted. Permission of copyright holder required for any commercial use and/or reproduction.
Source credit to RAN Corvettes Association WA Oral History Program

Ron Stephens talks about: his early life, schooling and his first job; joining the Navy and traveling to the Flinders Naval Depot; kitting out and basic training; his tiddly suit; being drafted to HMAS Leeuwin; training as a radar operator; being drafted to HMAS Tamworth; early difficulties in using radar at sea; his other ship's duties; joining the British Eastern Fleet in Colombo; training in minesweeping as part of the 21st Minesweeping Flotilla; daily life aboard the Tamworth; return to Fremantle and bad weather in the Bight en route to Sydney; leave in Perth and retraining in Sydney; deliberately failing radar examinations, being drafted to HMAS Bungaree and reverting to an AB; life aboard the Bungaree; the end of the Second World War; his discharge; being unemployed; joining Spicers Paper Industries and working there for forty years; marriage and family; housing through War Service; life in retirement; involvement in the Corvettes Association; the fate of the Tamworth; the theft of Dutch-owned money being transported on the Bungaree.

Part of a collection of nineteen oral history interviews conducted by the Royal Australian Navy Corvettes Association of Western Australia. Interviewers included John Roberts, Margaret Rickard, Lorna Dodd, William Gray Ritchie and Jack Shepheard.

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