F/4751 Leslie Herbert Olsen, as an able seaman; Royal Australian Navy corvette HMAS Geraldton; Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf and North Pacific Ocean; 1942-1946; interviewed by John Roberts.

Accession Number S01785
Collection type Sound
Measurement 1 hr 18 min
Object type Oral history
Physical description TDK D60 Cassette
Maker Olsen, Leslie Herbert
Roberts, Niall John
Place made Australia: Western Australia, Two Rocks
Date made 1 September 1993
Access Open
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945
Copyright Item copyright: © Australian War Memorial
Creative Commons License This item is licensed under CC BY-NC
Copying Provisions Copyright restrictions apply. Only personal, non-commercial, research and study use permitted. Permission of copyright holder required for any commercial use and/or reproduction.
Source credit to RAN Corvettes Association WA Oral History Program

Part of a collection of nineteen oral history interviews conducted by the Royal Australian Navy Corvettes Association of Western Australia. Interviewers included John Roberts, Margaret Rickard, Lorna Dodd, William Gray Ritchie and Jack Shepheard.

Les Olsen speaks of his childhood experiences; joining the Sydney Morning Herald [SMH] as cadet artist; his brief stint in the army and transfer to the RAN; initial training at HMAS Cerberus; sailing to Colombo on MV Majura; joining corvette HMAS Geraldton in September 1942; life on board a corvette; Geraldton's role both before and after Olsen joined it; his duties including watch keeping; his sketching and photography; Geraldton's collision with an US tanker in the Persian Gulf; convoy duties in the Indian Ocean; refit in Australia in January 1945; service in the North Pacific; the end of the war in the Pacific; a landing party after the war; his discharge and rejoining the SMH; working for the Corvette Association; establishing a corvette monument on Memorial Hill in West Australia, and Iris Nesdale's book The Corvettes.

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