Autographed Japanese flag : Sergeant J Lanyon, War Crimes Trials, Morotai

Place Asia: Netherlands East Indies, Halmahera Island, Morotai Island
Accession Number REL24185
Collection type Heraldry
Object type Flag
Physical description Cotton
Location Main Bld: World War 2 Gallery: Gallery 4: Victory Over Japan
Maker Unknown
Place made Japan
Date made 1946
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Cotton handkerchief that has been turned into a souvenir Japanese national flag by the addition of a red sun in its centre and ink writing, signatures and drawings. At the top is written in black ink 'DEAR Mr. LANYON. / WE MOST HEARTiLY THANK YOU FOR THE / GRLAT KiNDNiS YOU HAVE EXTENDED TO AS ALL. / WE MOST SiNCERELT WiSH YOUR HAPPinESS AND / HEALTY FOR EVER. / FOROM. Q P . ROOM AT / No3 COMPOUND iN M- / ORATAI ISD.. / Feb 1946'.

The rest of the flag is covered in Japanese names with translations and caricatures with English captions. These include a samurai sword, cartoon characters, including Popeye with 'POPEYE. Sgt. S. UCHINO' with a bubble and the words 'THANK YOU Mr. LANYON's KINDNESS'; 'johnie goto [S. GORO]; Y Suzeki 'Plootr'; 'Please remember me. Thank you very much for your kindness. S. SATO'; 'winpyi M. Fujisaki'; 'C. Oishi'; '2nd Cl. Pte. Bush Doctor TOKIMI TETSUIKO'; 'Doctor Death'; 'Basil Aoyama'; 'Tanaka Takeo; and an image of a direction arrow through a heart with 'GO TO AUST'.

History / Summary

Given to NX120109 Sergeant John Harold Lanyon who was in an army unit guarding Japanese war criminals on Morotai.