Mother and son Bethlehem Hospital

Place Middle East: Israel
Accession Number ART90369
Collection type Art
Measurement Overall: 35.4 x 43.1 cm
Object type Work on paper
Physical description pencil on paper
Maker Gittoes, George Noel
Place made Australia: New South Wales, Sydney, Bundeena
Date made 27 February 1994
Conflict Period 1990-1999

Item copyright: AWM Licensed copyright


In text accompanying the drawing, Gittoes notes; 'the whole ward [in the hospital] felt neglected by the world. No one had visited them to get their account of events...the boy was about 15; his mother held up his shirt which she had kept as a bloody souvenir. I could see where the bullets had torn through into his body. He had bullet wounds in his back, rump and kidney region. With great effort and a lot of pain, he rolled over and showed me the wounds'. Depicts a Palestinian mother holding bloodstained garments next to her wounded son at the Bethlehem Hospital, after the Hebron massacre. This drawing is the result of the Australian Army's sponsorship of Gittoes' travel to Western Sahara, Egypt, Israel, Jordon, Lebanon and Syria from January to March 1994 to cover peacekeeping activities and operations in these countries. Australian peacekeepers in Israel were involved in the UN Truce Supervision Organistaion (UNTSO) operation.

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