Bunk beds

Place Europe: Poland
Accession Number ART90351
Collection type Art
Measurement Overall: 16.0 x 24.0 cm
Object type Work on paper
Physical description pencil on paper
Maker Slawik, Bernard
Place made Poland: Lwow
Date made c 1943
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: AWM Licensed copyright


Janowska's smaller barracks had three-storey bunks and the larger barracks had five-storey bunks with ladders leading to the overfloors. The distance between the levels was so small that it was almost impossible to sit on them. The beds consisted of wooden planks lightly placed together. Because the prisoners were packed in so tightly, they were forced to rest on their sides. There were no toilets in the barracks. Some barracks had buckets but they soon overfilled. Dysentery and disease were rampant in the barracks as a result of unsanitary conditions. At nighttime the prisoners were forbidden to go out to the toilet.

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