Burning synagogue

Place Europe: Poland
Accession Number ART90342
Collection type Art
Measurement Overall: 16.1 x 24.3 cm
Object type Work on paper
Physical description Pencil on paper
Maker Slawik, Bernard
Place made Poland: Lwow
Date made c 1943
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: AWM Licensed copyright


The shacks around the burning synagogue remind one of the ghetto. The artist served on the committee for the preservation of Jewish monuments in Lvov before the war. He also wrote a PhD documenting synagogues and Jewish ritual objects in Poland. Thus it would seem that the Palevi synagogue is being documented. Those gathered around the burning building are more likely to be Aryan spectators rather than Jews. Considering the curfews imposed by the SS and the frequency of the 'aktions', Jews would not have had the liberty to crowd around the burning icon whether they were in the ghetto or not.