Al-Fallugah market

Accession Number AWM2021.967.1.38
Collection type Art
Object type Work on paper
Physical description graphite pencil on paper
Maker Connor, Kevin
Place made Iraq: Al Anbar, Al-Fallujah
Date made 21 June 1991
Conflict Gulf War, 1990-1991

Item copyright: AWM Licensed copyright


Detailed sketch of the Al-Fallugah market both Kevin Connor and Anne Fairbairn in the bottom centre with initials K.C and A.F inscribed on the figures. There is text pointing to parts of the drawing such as 'hardware', 'No you bombed our market, 'Rebuilding bomb site in the market'. 'an arrow pointing to the left and 'Mosque'. This sketch book directly relates to ART29752.001-.060.

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