Kure, Japan. 1953-03-25. Brigadier R. H. Maxwell CB, Britcom Army Provost Marshal, British ...

Accession Number 148395
Collection type Photograph
Object type Black & white
Physical description Black & white
Maker Holzheimer, Claude Rudolph
Place made Japan: Kure
Conflict Korea, 1950-1953

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Kure, Japan. 1953-03-25. Brigadier R. H. Maxwell CB, Britcom Army Provost Marshal, British Commonwealth Forces, Korea (BCFK), accompanied by Major Davis, Officer Commanding Britcom Military Corrective Establishment (MCE), stops and talks to Canadian Lance Corporal Deer (1). Other identified personnel are: Staff Sergeant Reid, Regimental Military Police (RMP) (2); Private Stone, RMP (3); Major Davis, Officer Commanding Military Corrective Establishment (4); Lieutenant Colonel Locksley, Assistant Provost Marshal, HQ British Commonwealth Forces, Korea (BCFK) (5); Regimental Sergeant Major George (6).

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