Easter observance in Vietnam DPR/TV/1340

Accession Number F04436
Collection type Film
Measurement 6 min 54 sec
Object type Actuality footage, Television news footage
Physical description 16mm/b&w/silent
Maker Errington, William Alexander (Bill)
Jones, Michael John
Place made Vietnam: Phuoc Tuy Province
Date made 9 April 1971
Access Open
Conflict Vietnam, 1962-1975
Copyright Item copyright: © Australian War Memorial
Creative Commons License This item is licensed under CC BY-NC

Army chaplains serving the Australian Task Force in Vietnam took the observance of Easter deep into the field last weekend. Thousands of Australian soldiers spent both Good Friday and Easter Sunday amidst realistic battle conditions. Located deep within Phuoc Tuy Province, Fire Support Base "Beth" could only be reached by helicopter for chaplains of the Task Force. The base was one of their many ports of call during a hectic day. Padres John Hamilton, Roy Cosier and Father Dermott Casey were soon well-organised to provide places of worship for members of the Adelaide based 3rd Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment and supporting forces. Padre Cosier erected an altar within a tent. further across the Fire Support Base Padre Hamilton, the Anglican preacher collected only a small group - shortly before their arrival the base had been placed on alert for an artillery fire mission and time was short. Many soldiers could not attend as a result. Father Casey, The Roman Catholic chaplain to the 1st Field Squadron, Royal Australian Engineers, provided communion for a small number of men. But, here again, time was of the essence and no sooner had the simple service ended than it was back to the pits and on with the war - no chance of an after-service chat, so well known at churches back home in Australia. At Nui Dat, home of the 1st Australian Task Force, things were a little quieter on the battle scene and many hundreds of young men took part in services. Nine Chaplains serve with the Australian Task Force in Vietnam and between them, they preached at more than fifty services over the weekend. In South Vietnam the Australian Digger takes time out for a little meditation at Easter.