Opening of market place at Ap Suoi Nghe DPR/TV/900

Accession Number F04226
Collection type Film
Measurement 3 min 3 sec
Object type Actuality footage, Television news footage
Physical description 16mm/b&w/sound, silent and mute
Maker Bull, Malcolm Norman
Place made Vietnam: Phuoc Tuy Province, Ap Suoi Nghe
Date made 20 August 1968
Access Open
Conflict Vietnam, 1962-1975
Copyright Item copyright: © Australian War Memorial
Creative Commons License This item is licensed under CC BY-NC

Two miles from the Australian Task Force base at Nui Dat is the resettlement hamlet of Ap Suoi Nghe. Twelve months ago this land was a tract of matted jungle and then the Australian Civil Affairs Unit chose the area as a site suitable for resettling refugees and families subject to enemy domination because of their isolation. It was the first major project undertaken by the Civil Affairs unit and was designed to give the people a fresh start with their own homes and a piece of land to cultivate. Within a month, Task Force troops had secured the area, cleared the land and built the framework of 100 houses. Today, there are 1200 people living here - more than half of them under 14 years of age. The villagers are already becoming self supporting with crops of maize, corn, rice, tapioca and peanuts. There are 307 houses occupied, a fort provides protection, a dispensary has been built, a school house is under construction, and this morning a permanent market place, built by local labour and costing Australia almost $9000 is being handed over by the Commanding Officer of the Civil Affairs Unit, Lt Col Kevin Latchford of Mosman, NSW. It is hoped that the market place will increase the prosperity and living standards of the people by providing a buying and selling point for produce and by attracting traders from other areas. The entire population of the hamlet turned out for the ceremony. And official guests included the Commander 1 ATF, Brigadier Ron Hughes of Stafford, Brisbane, Qld, the Province Chief, Lt Col Ngu Yen Be Truoc, and elders from the surrounding villages. (Also shown: District Chief, Captain Aans)

Film order form
  • Video of Opening of market place at Ap Suoi Nghe DPR/TV/900 (video)