Kure, Japan. 1950-05-01. A Japanese speaker delivers his speech during the May Day celebrations. ...

Place Asia: Japan, Kure
Accession Number 146334
Collection type Photograph
Object type Black & white - Film original negative 120 safety base
Maker Holzheimer, Claude Rudolph
Place made Japan: Kure
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

Item copyright: Copyright expired - public domain

Public Domain Mark This item is in the Public Domain


Kure, Japan. 1950-05-01. A Japanese speaker delivers his speech during the May Day celebrations. Behind him are streamers bearing slogans which translate into: 1. Acceleration of Independent Trade, and Expansion of Overseas Limits for Japanese Vessels. 2. Complete Enforcement of National Railway Decision (Arbitration). 3. Abolition of State Public Officer Law, of Government Labour Law. Against Provincial Public Officer Law. 4. Early Revision of Labour Union Law, and abolition of Demonstration regulations. 5. Rescue the Money Stringency of Small Enterprise. 6. Acceleration of All Out Peace for the sake of Freedom and Peace. 7. Down with the Yoshida Cabinet and its Heavy Taxes, Low wages and discharge policy. 8. Unification of fighting lines of democratic labour. 9. Establishment of lowest wage system. 10. Early amplification of society security system. 11. Complete enforcement of unemployment policy. 12. Absolutely against discharge. 13. Reconstruction of Kure with our own hands. (Probably means reconstruction of Kure by people of Kure).