I'm offering Saddam one last chance!

Accession Number ART90061
Collection type Art
Measurement Overall: 29.7 x 41.8 cm
Object type Work on paper
Physical description fibre tipped pen with brush and ink over pencil on paper
Maker Leahy, Sean
Place made Australia: Queensland, Brisbane
Date made 1991
Conflict Gulf War, 1990-1991

Item copyright: AWM Licensed copyright


Cartoon showing four 'sound bytes' of George Bush Snr speaking with a journalist. President Bush is talking about offering Saddam Hussein a chance to withdraw from Kuwait and the political points this will score the President with his voters. This satirical cartoon was created by Sean Leahy in response to the First Gulf War (1990-1991).

Donated through the Taxation Incentives for the Arts Scheme 1994

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