AWM119 154 - AIF - Malaya Operational Awards

Accession Number AWM2020.20.68
Collection number AWM119 154
Collection type Digitised Collection
Record type File
Item count 1
Object type Official Record
Physical description 129 Image/s captured
Maker Department of Defence
Department of the Army
Date made 1946-1960
Conflict Malayan Emergency, 1948-1960

AIF - Malaya Operational Awards [Col J H Thyer; Lt M E Wankey; WOI A H Purdon; Lt-Col C H Kappe; Capt W J Harper; A/Cpl H C Fuhrman; Pte E S Beresford; Pte A M Magill; Col A PL Derham; Lt-Col I M Drummond; Capt C P Tracey; Capt Nestor G James; Dvr K H Fiske; WOII C M Stearne; WOI F L Brown; Lt-Col E MacA Sheppard; Capt R M Mills; Cpl R C Madsen; Cpl F Bush; Col E R White; Maj R H Anderson; Sgt C W Thornton; Maj C M Black; Capt D Morrison; Cpl G K Culnane; Maj R J Bridgland; Lt-Col A E Coates; Lt H Miller; Lt-Col L J A Byrne; Pte L L Stewart; Lt J H Cooper; Sgt E G Sullivan; Sgt W V Reid; Lt-Col L R D Stahle; Lt I R MacDonald; Pte D H McKenzie; Pte L Silman; Capt B O Ellison; S/Sgt D M Wyllie; WOI W H Sticpewich]

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