Fujinon 16x zoom hi definition lens for a Sony PMW-350K camcorder: Neale Maude, ABC

Place Asia: Afghanistan
Accession Number AWM2019.552.1.2
Collection type Technology
Object type Optical equipment
Physical description Metal, Plastic, Rubber
Maker Fuji
Place made China
Date made 2010
Conflict Afghanistan, 2001-2021

Fuji 'Fujinon' HD XA16 x 8A-XB8 professional lens, which has a range from 1:1.9/8 to 128 mm. It is provided with a standard bayonet fitting, two focus rings for auto focus or full manual focussing; a rubber lens hood and controls for wide angle and is accompanied a Sony XDCAM EX viewfinder. The lens was hired from Digihire (a professional camera hire business based at Atarmon, Sydney) for Neale Maude's June 2010 trip to Afghanistan for the ABC's Four Corners report.

History / Summary

Hired from Digihire by the ABC programme 'Four Corners' for use by Neale Maude, a cameraman with 15 years experience to use in Afghanistan in June 2010 to film footage for the programme for the two-part programme "A Careful War" which was first transmitted on Four Corners on 5 and 12 July 2010.

Maude was accompanied by reporter Chris Masters and sound recorder Shane Munro. Neale Maude won the 2010 Walkley Award for his work on this programme for Best Camera work, having spent a month operating in temperatures of 48 degrees and working in very dangerous conditions. He routinely carried over 20 kilograms of camera equipment, body armour and water. He was also producer for the programme.

In all the team spent a month with Australian soldiers. Some of the footage recorded on this trip was used in the Australian War Memorial's Afghanistan Gallery.