AWM82 2/263 - [Captured Japanese Documents:] Orders of the South East Area Army [File in Japanese]

Accession Number AWM2018.8.1382
Collection number AWM82 2/263
Collection type Digitised Collection
Record type File
Item count 1
Object type Official Record
Physical description 70 Image/s captured
Maker Japanese Armed Forces
Date made 1945-1945
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

This item consists of orders of the South East Area Army which were issued after the surrender. Orders issued on 31 October 1945 relate to the transfer of former servicemen to the Japanese camps established in Rabaul. Impending changes to the existing command structure and supervisory system, and the treatment of Korean and Formosan workers are discussed in detail. An order issued on 21 November specifically discusses the establishment of the Kokopo Camp. Matters discussed in orders issued in December include the transfer of control over the Camp Heads from the South East Area Army to the 11th Division, establishment of camp compounds for the working groups and the Groups' work for the Australian forces. Attachments include several lists which specify equipment, vehicles and labourers to be provided to the Australian forces by each Camp Group.

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