AWM82 2/192 - [Captured Japanese Documents:] Plans for farming and production of rice at Japanese camps [File in Japanese]

Accession Number AWM2018.8.1359
Collection number AWM82 2/192
Collection type Digitised Collection
Record type File
Item count 1
Object type Official Record
Physical description 14 Image/s captured
Maker Japanese Armed Forces
Date made 1945
Conflict Second World War, 1939-1945

AJRP Sub-Series name: Post-surrender Rabaul material received from HQ 8 Military District. This item is a detailed farming plan aimed at achieving food self-sufficiency at Japanese camps in Rabaul. The original was submitted on 22 November 1945 in reply to an order of the Australian forces (AG 5040). Allocation of farm land, maintenance of existing crops, planting and maintenance of new crops and production of seasonings (e.g. salt and soy sauce) are discussed in detail. The document briefly refers to livestock production and maintenance of farming equipment. Yields, consumption, area of land required and period necessary for harvest were estimated for main crops and presented in tabular form. Copies of the plan and a seperate plan for rice production were distributed among the heads of camps for reference.

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